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The Kids... They Get It.
Sometimes I do these cartoons juuuuuust for me.
t-Rump is taking 16 days off for the Xmas holiday.
I guess after driving the deficit to over $200 billion
for the month of November (A new record!) he feels
he deserves a rest for a job well done.
And for good measure he's shutting the down the government
on his way out the door.
Merry Xmas, suckers.
Last I heard, Combover Caligula has cancelled the annual
White house Xmas party.
There are several reporters who've said they would
not have attended it
I dunno.
Seems to me there'd be a hefty modicum of enjoyment
looking Combover Caligula in his beady little eyes
and asking him which federal penitentiary he thinks
will have the best room service.
"So we can shut down federal agencies, the mail
service, and the stock market on a moment's notice
but we can't plan far ahead in advance to give everyone
a day off to vote for the candidate of their choice.
- Bryan Tyler Cohen
In the 1950s Republicans were looking under every bed
for Russians.
Today they're actually in the bed WITH Russians.
When Trump is impeached, or resigns, we need to make
the day a national holiday as a constant reminder that
is fragile.
So how should the day be celebrated?
I'll start:
It'll be called "MuellerDay". On TV there
will be annual showings of "All the President's
Men", "Network", "The Manchurian
Candidate" and "A Face In the Crowd".
There will also be a national competition for "Biggest
Fool" and the winner will be awarded the title
of "Honorary President". He will be crowned
with the ceremonial giant yellow combover wig-hat and
a dual-purpose red necktie/noose. The grand prize is
all-expenses-paid trip to the Hague and a dinner at
McDonald's. In his honor, two underage prostitutes
will come to his hotel room and pee the bed.
(Notice I used the pronoun "He" in the above
description. That's because no woman honestly elected
could EVER be as stupid or corrupt as Trump.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Kid watching TV: This just in: President Trump
has been set upon by climate scientists, ripped
apart, and eaten alive.
Elf: Are you ready to see Santa, little boy?
Kid: That's okay. I already got my Christmas wish.