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Season's Gratings
For a person who's hawking totally useless crap (See
below) I'm going to suggest a way to save the planet
this Xmas...
End Xmas.
Not all of it, just the self-destructive parts.
By that I mean, if I was an evil scientist and I wanted
to destroy the world as quickly as possible I'd popularize
like Xmas, a holiday which results in vast amounts
of both greenhouse gases and pollution.
Next time you walk into any big box department store
look at all the Xmas crap on the shelves that's
used once and tossed away. This is pure insanity but
people don't recognize it because it's "tradition".
You make me laugh. We're Americans. We don't recycle
Would the economy suffer if we all didn't buy marginally
improved appliances each and every year? Yes, but what
would you rather have? Oceans less saturated
in CO2 or a crock-pot that can whistle "Dixie" in four-part
harmony versus last years measly two-part harmony.
(This is actually a metaphor about new TVs and cell
but "crock-pot" is a funnier word.)
We can still have Christmas, of course. The Christians
can still pray for the birth of Jesus (In entirely
the wrong month but, hey, who said Christians were
all that bright?) while the rest of us can take some
off for self-examination. Can't have too much of that.
Yeah, I know I'm spitting in the wind but sometimes
that spit can water little acorns that might just grow
into mighty groves of fresh perspective.

I still have a few of the Treasonous Weasel ornaments
still available. Get 'em while they're not hot. $20,
with free shipping though ain't nobody getting 'em
by Xmas.

Commercialism |
someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
Spreadshirt store. |
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Yeah, kid. I could give you all that you just asked
But getting everything on a silver platter makes
you believe you can skate through life.
In the end you're lucky to end up a mall Santa
on work-release making minimum wage.
Boy, Mr. Trump sure has gotten bitter since he
lost his old job.