progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Sorry, I was unabe to crank out a new cartoon so here's a favorite
of mine from May of 2013. Stay tuned as I have a good one
on the fire for Friday.
Keep your stick on the ice.
"You've chosen 'Hypocrisy for $200'. The answer is 'Mar-A-Lago,
the White House, and the RNC'."
What is: Name three places where guns aren't allowed."
Looking at the gun control from a "mental health" perspective
is scary as this is literally a "thought crime" narrative.
How quickly will we go from institutionalizing someone for making
gun threats, to someone making gun jokes (We're already arresting
people for that) to incarcerating people for "dangerous
ideas"? You know, ideas like "Maybe the Republican
Party is conspiring with Russia" or "Maybe we need
to rethink the Second Amendment."
So let me just say that maybe we need to rethink the Second Amendment.
While I have the chance.

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Comparative Safety Features
Car: Designed to transport people from point
A to point B.
safety bumpers, body designed to crumple
safely on impact, anti-lock brakes, shatterproof
glass, license, inspection, rearview mirrors,
radar detection, headlights, brake-lights,
side lights, defroster, airbags, padded dash,
run-flat tires, keys, locks
Toaster: Designed to make toast.
Stay-cool top and sides, anti-tip-over sensor,
bread lift, cut-off switch, auto shut-off
Gun: Designed to kill people.