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GOP Bites
are like little kids who want a dog. They'll whine and moan and
bug you almost to death to get their way. They'll scheme and
plot and even enlist mom to withhold sex. They'll promise to
take care of it and clean up all its messes, but the moment you
and get
'em their damn dog they're like "Who? Us? No, we're not picking
poop or combing out that tangled mop of hair or treating
its fleas.
Yuck! Gross!
not our problem that it's destroying the furniture or eating
dress shoes or stealing food from babies and all the poor folk. We
think it's funny how he licks his balls in public and runs
a pack of wild dogs that do nothing but look for black people
to bite.
give us another $100 so we can buy him the best cuts of beef
in town because Fox News says he's the best dog who ever lived
and you're a treasonous liberal snowflake cuck bastard if you
And that's why I'm a cat person.
Considering all the wars around the globe this isn't a dog-eat-dog
world, it's God-eat-God.
It seems to me that the Republican plan to avoid another black
president is to never have another president at all.
According to the House of Commons the richest 1% are on target
to own 2/3rds of all wealth by 2030.
So, how's that trickle-down working for ya?

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
If Trump leaves office Paul Ryan would be
the next Vice-President. If Pence goes down
with Trump then Ryan could actually be President,
so why would he resign now? What does Ryan
know that's so horrible that he'd give up
his only real shot at the White Hou…?
Holy shit.
Robert Mueller.