progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Hope It's A Run-On and On and On and On Kinda Sentence.
The Orange White House Christo-Fascist
took the opportunity on Memorial
Day to hawk
his crappy Chinese-made products
via Twitter.
Therefore, I hereby vow that
after t-Rump is dead and
in the
I will make the pilgrimage
to wherever his stinking
corpse lies and take a ceremonial
dump on his grave.
I hope everyone's with me on this. We could call it
"The Million Turd Two-Step".
not updating my privacy policy
which, by tradition, is "You
show me your privates, I'll
show you mine."
Book Update: I kinda forgot
about the Memorial Day hootenanny
so I got pushed back a few
days. The cover
art is in progress (Deciding on a single title from
among a zillion good ideas was tough, baby.) and I'm
inserting as many easter egss as is
I should
copy ready for a test print this week. If all goes
well, copies should be available in early June.
For the record, the title of book numero uno is "If
You See Something, Draw Something."
As for the
cover art, use your imagination. Mine needs a vacay.

Commercialism |
someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
Spreadshirt store. |
(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Trump in spelling bee, called a grifter bee. Diplomacy,
tariff, shakedown, patriotism, suckers, I has huge
nukes. The nexy word is collusion. I demand that
be used in a sentence.
Sorry, Mueller does all
the sentencing.