progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Today was very momentous.
A totally unqualified and
corrupt Brian Benczkowsi
was approved by
Senate Republicans
to become the new head of
the Justice Department's
criminal division.
This was probably why Adork
Twittler pardoned the Hammond's
yesterday so that the much
more important issue of Benczkowki's
was shifted off the front
In any case, the fuse has
been lit.
Benczkowski will eventually
fire Rod Rosenstein
and will soon thereafter
shut down the Mueller investigation.
It's been fun. So long, our
little Republic. You were
nice while you lasted.
I am the Red Hen. I am Maxine Waters.
I am Patricia Okoumou. I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro.
Fuck Trump.

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Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
I can't believe little babies are having to defend
themselves in immigration court.
I can't believe one's running the government.
Trump: NATO eats boogers!