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want to apologize for taking the week off. I was following
the impeachment hearings with so much hope in my heart
that I just found nothing funny to say.
Another "Republican president"?
Worldwide depression. Next.
Gave us the interstate highway system,
certainly, but that was for military purposes and all
it did was
encourage the burning of more fossil fuels. Major props
to him for the "military-industrial-complex" speech
but it didn't make a lick of difference, did it?
Conspired with the Viet Cong to steal the election.
Eventually sailed away down his river of own sleaze.
Conspired with the Iranians to steal the election.
Killed unions, began the slow strangulation of the
middle class, and popularized the idiotic phrase "trickle-down
economics" which translates to the absurdly wealthy
as "We're gonna loot the Treasury! Whoo-hoo!". Should
have been impeached for Iran-Contra but Democrats were
afraid of looking like that's all they do.
George H.W. Bush
So terrible he lasted only one term. Through his negligence
he "allowed" Saddam Hussein to ignite the Unending
War in the Middle East we're all still fighting today.
George W. Bush
Conspired with the Supreme Court to steal the election.
Was looking the other way when the most massive security
failure in American occurred on 9-11. Responded by
legalizing torture, introducing secret courts,
gutting the Bill of Rights and going to war against
the wrong country. And, just for fun, he left the world
mired in a global economic
Donald Jessica Trump
Conspired with the Russians to steal the election.
Since then he's followed Putin's instructions on how
to turn America into a despotic nightmare that will
make Trump's former money-laundering schemes look like
a lemonade stand. Eventually wants his daughter to
run the country so he can spend all day at Mar-A-Lago
golfing and whoring.
Am I at all pissed that the SCOTUS has taken up the
case on Trump's taxes?
Yeah. A little.
That shit was settled law, which says "when the Congress
asks for taxes, you give it to them". The fact that
the Judges didn't send it right back to the lower court
means there'll be a 5-4 decision in favor of our new
King sometime in Spring or early Summer.

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Two Buddhist monks.
Master, it is said that when one leads an evil,
despicable life they will reincarnate as a
lower life form. What, then, will Donald Trump
reincarnate as?
An actual Republican.
I see what you did there.