progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Those Seaky Ukranian Bastards
Carlson: "I'm gonna be the bestest, most traitorest
Putin fuck-puppet ever!"
Devin Nunes: "Hold my beer."
Lindsay Graham: "No, hold MY beer!"
Mitch McConnell: "Hold my six-pack."
Bill Barr: "Hold my keg."
Trump: "Hold my Budweiser Clydesdale beer cart."
Lindsay Graham: "Trump, it's become clear to me
and my fellow Senators that you need to resign."
Trump: "You forget something, Lindsay. I have
a secret about you that could ruin you."
Graham: "Very well. Do your worst."
Trump: "Hey, everybody! Lindsay likes boys! He's
one of THOSE kind of guys. Oooh, isn't that icky?"
Everybody: "And? You mean... that's it?"
Trump: "Uh-oh."
(Editors note: The part about Graham growing a spine
is a total work of fiction. Do not get your hopes up.)

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Ukranians made Trump's casinos fail and made
his oatmeal lumpy and made his father hate
me, I mean, him.