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Prediction: Schmuckticulous Maximus is going
to lie about a lot of things during the SOTU but nothing
will change.
I hear that some Congressional Democrats are planning
to skip the SOTU this evening.
Too bad.
If I was a Congressman in that audience I'd lustily
boo every time Ivanna Grabasnatch uttered a half-truth.
Trump's January To-Do List:
Steal paychecks from federal workers.
Order up some "hanberders".
Alert Taliban to government travel plans.
Confuse "weather" and "climate".
Lie about personal church attendance.
Confuse Tennessee with Louisiana.
Withdraw from Syria/Don't withdraw from Syria.
Fold like a Chinese umbrella to Nancy Pelosi.
Have fingers lengthened and flab reduced with Photoshop.
Show respect for MLK for, like, 2 minutes.
Sink like a rock in the polls.
Slander Afghanistan allies.
Tell intel officers to go jump in the lake.
Confuse movies with reality.
Lie that other presidents support the wall.
Mission Accomplished!
The Giant Mango Baby had two options:
(1) Impose economic sanctions on Russia.
(2) Begin a new nuclear arms race.
Guess which one we got.
There's a possibility Congress can gunk up the works
so here's hoping. I mean, I don't know about you but
I could do without nuclear brinksmanship with a moron
at the controls.
Dubya: "Iraq can't have nukes. We have to invade!"
Republicans: "Yay!"
Trump: "Russia doesn't have enough nukes. I'll
let 'em build more."
Republicans: "Yay!"
Me: "What the hairy fuck?"

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Trump with hand on TV guide
Judge: Do you, Donald J. Trump, swear to protect
and defend the Constitution?
Trump: Yeah, sure. Whenever I can work it in
around episodes of Fox & Friends or whenever
Valdimir Putin will let me.