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Mueller Report a la Carte
I have heard on several occasions that if you can get
someone to read just the first 24 pages of the Mueller
Report they'll understand just how impeachable
Tariffs McFuckup actually is. So for the next few
days I'm committing myself to making those first 24
pages as palatable as possible. Which is danged hard
because Bobby Three-Sticks sure knows how to strangle
a narrative with unbridled legalese. But that's his
Tomorrow: Pages 6-8 summarized by adorable puppies
and kittens.
Am I the only one who felt a sad little thrill seeing
Mr. Obama receive a standing O at the Raptor/Warrior
I miss having a real president.
Rachel Maddow made a good point the other night.
Mueller has said that he wasn't allowed, pursuant to
DOJ rules, to indict the president with a crime.
Yet William Barr has been flapping his gums for the
benefit of anyone who'll listen that mean old Mr. Mueller
it upon himself to not indict the prez. "Why,
what could he have been thinking?" said a fascists's
best friend.
So with Barr going public with such a dramatic shift
in policy what's to stop Mueller from saying "Whoa!
Time out! Let's head this old cayuse back to the ranch
and I'll fill out a few forms before I disappear into
Dubya almost killed the American car industry, and
now Major Mango is damaging the industry again with
his steel and Mexican tariffs. Auto industries lost
$25 billion in market share yesterday as a result of
the Terrible Toddler's tirades.
What is it Republicans have against the auto industry?
Aren't they the pro-business/pro-jobs guys?
In addition, in 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney
wrote an article for the New York Times headlined "Let
Detroit Go Bankrupt".
Again, WTF Republicans?
I thought I would point out that the first presidential
candidate to call for t-Rump's impeachment was.....
Elizabeth Warren.
She immediately read the whole Mueller Report and then
went before the Senate the next day and made her case
for the removal of this idiot emperor.
Pete Buttigieg was next as are, as of yesterday, most
of the other candidates, minus ONE very important name...
All he's saying is that t-Rump shouldn't be re-elected.
That's weak tea, Joe. Sorry. We need someone with more
balls than that and that's probably a woman.
Finally, never forget the first real proof that the
election was stolen. The Obama inauguration crowd is,
of course, on the right.


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Page One: Russia helped Trump in the 2016 election
via waging a social media campaign against
Hillary Clinton while also hacking her personal
and campaign files.
Page Two: Collusion is not a legal term. This
report is about conspiracy and this describes
actions and events supported by evidence. If
some events are not supported by evidence we
will say so.
Page Three: Volume One of the Report is about
Russia's interference in the 2016 election.
Volume Two addresses the President's actions
towards both the FBI and Special Counsel's
Page 4: Russia's Internet Research Agency (IRA),
which was connected to Putin, operated pro-Trump,
anti-Clinton media campaigns and rallies in
the U.S. Meanwhile, Russian intelligence (GRU)
hacked Democratic files and released them to
Page 5: One hour after the infamous "pussy
tape" was published Wikileaks released
John Podesta's emails. Though it's clear that
the Trump campaign knew would it benefit electorally
from Russian hacking the report did not establish
that members of his campaign actively conspired
with them.
Page Six: In 2015, candidate Trump quietly
pursued a real-estate deal in Russia. In Spring
of 2016 Trump's foreign policy advisor, George
Papadopoulos, was told by Joseph Mifsud that
Russia had "dirt" on Hilary Clinton.