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the Blues!
now the latest headlines from the Trump Chaos Machine!
Famous 16-year-old climate activist refuses to meet
Trump. Considers it a waste of time.
Trump claims credit for new oil plant announced under
President Obama.
9 in 10 counties that voted for Trump received tariff-related
Trump blinks on Chinese tariffs. Delays implementation
until December. Maybe.
Trump whines that "being president cost me a fortune".
Trump guts Endangered Species Act to benefit oil and
gas interests.
Trump moves to limit states ability to restrict oil
Trump may have tweeted classified information about
U.S. missile development.
Trump criticizes the Oscars, because he's a big fat
California sues to stop Trump rollback of restrictions
on coal-burning plants.
Trump raises racist stakes with "public charge" Executive
California announces lawsuits against Trump "public
charge" plan.
Donald Trump Jr. ignores conflict of interest in Trump
Hotel ribbon-cutting in Jakarta.
2 states sue Trump's EPA over "Dirty Power" rule.
• Trump applauds China's troop movement to Hong Kong's
Trump defends spreading conspiracy theory about Epstein
American taxpayers paid over $90 billion more under
Trump tax law.
Trump's immigration chief offers racist rewrite of
the Statue of Liberty poem.
U.S corn farmers face $3.5 billion loss due to Trump
Trump's FCC caught lying in plan to harm small wireless
Trump refuses to debate Republican challenger to the
Trump has spread at least 23 conspiracy theories. -
Washington Post
Trump's Sec. of Agriculture mocks farmers for being "whiners" about
Trump administration at helm of record $3.7 trillion
dollar spending spree.
Trump is driving the U.S toward a recession. - Salon
Trump passes 12,000 lies milestone since taking office.
Republicans delighted with president just smart enough
to use a pen. - Esquire
Analysis shows that Trump could lose Texas in 2020.
t-Rump wants to deport people who are "public
charges". Which is not a bad idea.
Because when Fat Hitler goes to jail that will make
him a public charge, which would be a good excuse to
deport him to Iran.
The same president* who now demands to know every tiny
detail about an immigrant's financial status still
to let anyone see his tax returns.
As far as anyone knows Tinyfingers McCrankypants may
not have two dimes to rub together, making him a charge
of the state, meaning.....
Heyyyyy, wait a minute!
Funny thing about Jeffrey Epstein's death. It means
he can't be sued by his accusers because he can no
longer be tried and found guilty for his crimes.
You might be getting a sense of deja vu here.
Anyone remember Ken Lay?
He "died of a heart attack" in 2001 while
his conviction in the Enron scandal was being appealed,
which meant his fortune was then safe from marauding
creditors. (His family claimed he was penniless but
eight years later Enron Creditors came to an agreement
with Lay's wife for an undisclosed, but presumably
large, portion of Lay's remaining wealth.)
Lay was quickly cremated after his death, so there
is no digging up the corpse and giving it a DNA check.
Wanna bet Epstein goes under the broilers, too?
Need I remind you that Ken Lay was a major financial
supporter of George W. Bush's run for the presidency?
Dubya called
him "Kenny-Boy". Which means this isn't just
deja vu, this is more like page 237 from "The
Republican Book of Pulling the Wool Over the Public's
Eyes While giving Them A Good Ass-Fucking."
I know this sounds like deep-fried conspiracy in a
conspiracy sauce but everything EVERYTHING Republicans
touch leaves behind a sticky, odorous residue.
Don't play the piano shooter.

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Trump: Vote red, or I'm fucking dead.