progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Turtling Into the Void
America without Trump.
This is just a reminder
that you're going
to hear the most
incredible garbage
on social media about
the remaining Democratic
presidential candidates,
but they are are
all good, decent
people with personal
and governmental
track records that
far surpass the fat,
lying, traitorous,
racist, philandering
sackacrap stinking-up
the White House.
So pick a candidate
and support them.
And try hard not
to spread the garbage.
And, in the end,
even if your candidate
is not the eventual
nominee always remember
that decency > sackakcrap
and Vote Blue No
Matter Who.
Alan Dershowitz 1998: "Impeachment
doesn't require a
Dershowitz 2020: "There
has to be a crime."
Dershowitz, 2016: "Trump
is more corrupt than
Hillary and will
continue to be corrupt
as president."
Dershowitz 2020: "Be
sure you sign my
name right on the
And finally...
If I could change
the rules for being
president they would
start with the following
• At least two years
of local government
• At year two years
of state government
• At least two years
of federal government

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Mitch McConnell slowly dissolves
into laughter
You realize, Mitch, you're putting
party over country.
Lefty: You realize, Mitch, that your
rules for the impeachment trial in
no way resembles a real trial.
You realize, Mitch, that by not calling
for witnesses or allowing subpoenas
you're ceding Trump the powers of
a dictator.
You realize, Mitch, those stains
will never come out of your shorts.
The comic about Mitch McConnell's
epically treasonous impeachment trial