progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Learning Moment
While Fat Hitler and Mitchski McConnellski engage in
their clown-shoe kick-fight just remember that House
already passed a bill that offers $2000 payments to
Americans in the HEROES Act....
In May of this year.
The Republicans had a back-up plan if Trump supporters
didn't go for the $600 stimulus pay-off.
They were going to offer them $599.99 because it would
look bigger to them.
Dictator Tot just pardoned four men convicted of murder
while they were employed as mercenaries for Blackwater. One
of them blew a kid's brains out... for fun, evidently.
I'm no legal scholar but this decision seems to suggest
that Republican thugs can begin indiscriminately killing
American citizens, at the behest of the president,
and they will not be punished for their crimes as they
would be immediately pardoned.
Would t-Rump do this? Why would he not? Even if
goes as far as to have every House Democrat taken out
on January 6th the Republican response would be "This
is fine. He's not shooting us..... yet."
The Founding Fathers never anticipated that Americans
would be so foolish
as to elect a leader of this country who
had no soul, no decency, no scruples.
So here we are

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Zoom Teacher: Okay, class. As you know, president-elect
Joe Biden won the election with 82 million
votes and 306 electoral votes.
Class: One moment.
clickity-click-click hmmm
Okay. According to the Washington Post, 538,
and Snopes that data is accurate. Tell us more.
Uhh. Miss Johnson? Why is she smiling like
Teacher: There IS a Santa Claus.