case you’re
keeping score at
Oscar Wins:
Obama: 1
t-Rump: 0
Nobel Peace Prizes:
Obama: 1
t-Rump: 0
t-Rump: 1
Obama: 0
t-Rump: 6
Obama: 0
Second Terms
Obama: 1
t-Rump: Not a fucking
When I first saw
the photo below I
was like "Why are
people laughing at
this picture of some
old babushka?"
And then I was like
And then I was like

So Buttigieg is being supported by Russian oligarch
Blavatnik, eh?
To put it mildly, I think Pete is overreaching.
I wasn't planning to vote for him anyway but this certainly seals the deal.
When Rush Limbaugh dies and goes to Hell I can imagine
him saying to Satan: "But I got the Medal of Freedom.
I think I deserve special treatment."
Satan: "You're right. Turn up the heat, Larry!"
Republican congressmen think they're all Sheriff Taylor
but they're more like Barney Fife, if Barney Fife
was openly racist and had a secret sex dungeon for
Girl Scouts in his basement.
Conservatives attending CPAC are warning Romney to
stay away because they might just have to kill him.
And yet, MSNBC's Chuck Todd says Bernie's voters are
the new Nazi brownshirts.
Oooooh-kayyyyyyy, then.
It takes 2000 gallons of water to make a gallon of
milk but it take 1000 gallons of water to make a gallon
of almond milk.
Some people think this makes almond milk just as bad
for the environment as whole milk, but you know what
else you get with a gallon of whole milk?
2000 gallons of urine, lord knows how many pounds of
shit, methane literally out the ass, rivers and streams
choked with phosphates, not to mention calfs that
are tortured until eventually they're killed
into veal.
Almond milk. You can do this.