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Time for the Money Lenders
invited no Democrats
to today's signing
of the stimulus bill
even though they
fought hard to keep
it from being the
huge corporate bailout
that Senate Republicans
were salivating for.
Rump made the signing
all about himself
and never mentioned
the 1500+ Americans
who have died of
the coronavirus or
the hundreds of thousands
who are sick. When
asked by a reporter
if there'd be enough
ventilators he snidely
called her "Cutie-pie" and
refused to answer
the question.
Rump made it clear
to state governors
that unless they
bow and scrape to
him they should not
expect the government's
help. (He is literally
blackmailing Democratic
governors so he use
their praise in his
campaign ads.)
Today Rachel Maddow
sent Rump the following
the supply chains
for critical
medical supplies
-- you should have
done that months
ago. Fifty states
fending for themselves
is idiotic, but it
persists day after
day, week after week.
You can fix this
"You're failing
on every measure,
it is worse by the
day. Find experts
who can do this for
the country and please,
sir, get out of the
Rachel Maddow makes
me proud to be an
Rump makes
me want to open a
I hope that all the Red Hats who are currently engaged
in this unprecedented self-quarantine because they're
scared shitless of a killer virus and are gratefully
anticipating their government stimulus checks will
now understand why Trump was impeached.
If Snidely McQuisling gets to put his signature on
every stimulus check then he also has to sign the death
certificate of every American coronavirus victim.

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Death. Scythes. Skeletons. A dead
cat. Two reapers playing video games.
Sorry, guys. Quarantine's over.
Trump freaked out over the stock
market and is sending everyone back
to work.
Best president evah.