progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Goes the Weasel
inspector generals
fired in six weeks.
tend to picture Senate
Republicans as little
dogs, laying on their
backs and wetting
themselves in ecstatic
glee every time t-Rump
praises them.
No. They're rabid
animals who are attacking
anything or anyone
that threatens them.
They are salting
the Constitution
with their corruption.
Yes, I'm being nice.
This just in...
Donald Trump no longer
considered "morbidly
He's now to be referred
to as "Super-Duper
t-Rump says he's
taking hydroxywhogivesafuck
every day. I would
only believe him
if Walter White personally
mixed the batch and
God himself offered
Trump a glass of
Lysol to wash it
down with.
The Donny J. Covid-45
campaign just announced
his new "Truth
Over Facts Investigative
Soon he'll no doubt
launch the "Eat
All the Bacon You
Want and Still Lose
Weight" and
the "Who Are
You Going to Believe?
Me, or Your Two Lying
Eyes?" websites.
(No, we're not all one foot thick, but we're close enough.)
Mount Everest is 29,000 feet tall and it takes two months
to climb to the top.
If you stacked all the U.S. coronavirus victims on top of
one another the pile would be 90,000 feet tall and would
take you six months to climb.
However, once you've reached the summit of that pile it would
have likely increased another 100,000 bodies, meaning you'd
have to climb to the edge of space to reach the pinnacle.
At this point you have to ask: Who is stacking up all those
dead bodies?
Answer: Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
The Public Response
2020: "What? The government can't figure out how to
provide enough PPEs for medical professionals? Then we'll
make them ourselves!"
2003: "What? The government couldn't provide our soldiers
in Iraq with enough body armor? Then we'll buy them and ship
them there ourselves!"
Guess which political party has these two statements in common.
Go on. Guess.

Commercialism |
someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
Spreadshirt store. |
(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Donald Trump addresses his response
to the coronavirus.
maybe, could be, possibly, might,
virtually, can be, people say, I
believe, research shows, clearly,
in my mind, the vast majority, experts,
evidence suggests, often, probably,
many people, cutting-edge, with all
due respect, I would say, that being
said. Thank you, and God bless the
united states of america.
This has been the president of the
United states. No, seriously, this
is the president of the United States.