Cleansing Breaths
who wear masks value
their life and the
lives of others.
So if you want to
know who hate themselves
as much as they hate
others, look no further
than the naked faces
in the grocery aisles.
The horrid creature
that sits behind
the Resolute
Desk of the White
House watching Fox
News all day is sending
unbadged secret "police" into
the streets to arrest
random people.
This is a political
stunt. That's all
it is. Screw the
Constitution, the
Bill of Rights, the
Boy Scout oath and
that promise you
made to your mama
to wear clean underpants
every day. Fox News
needs fodder to ramp
up fear, uncertainty,
and doubt amongst
it's aging, decrepit,
pasty-skinned audience
and t-Rump is giving
it to them.
Innocent people are
being disappeared.
Just like in those
Central American
countries Reagan
was so fond of invading.
For Freedom!
Currently these secret
police are in Portland,
Oregon but the plan
is to expand this
assault on the First
Amendment to other
cities, most likely
those with active
BLM protests as brown
faces being pounded
by police is pure
porn for Red-Hatters.
I conjectured earlier
this week that t-Rump
would tamp down the
presidential vote
in minority districts
by posting armed
National Guardsmen
in front of each
polling place. Some
people thought I
was being alarmist.
Now imagine the secret
police standing out
front. Still think
I'm alarmist much?
Advisers: "Sir,
we need to take steps
to regain the support
of the Latino community.
Locking their children
in cages and calling
them rapists and
murderers is not
polling well."
t-Rump: "Suppose
I burn down their
neighborhoods and
salt the earth beneath
their feet? I haven't
tried that yet. Have
Advisers: "Actually,
sir, we were hoping
for something a little
more... relatable."
t-Rump: "Okay,
then, how about l
have my sexy little
daughter, you know
which one I mean,
and have her hold
a can of those Goya
beans? I paid a lot
of surgeons a lot
of rubles for that
face and that body
and it's not selling
too many purses these
days so let's put
it to good use."
Advisers: "Well,
sir, that would actually
violate existing
ethics laws regarding
the promoting of
products from a federal
office. Besides,
there's a possibility
that the images would
be parodied by your
t-Rump: "They
wouldn't dare! Believe
