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Deja Vu
The Russians used Facebook in 2016 to dissuade millions
of voters to sit out the election.
They're back this year. They know everything about
you and they will micro-target you with disinformation,
so double and triple-check everything you read on social
sounds at
all strange or suspicious.
33 days to go. We got this.
Go Joe!
If you watched the debate last night and you felt Biden
was searching for words, he was but not because he's
77. It's because he stutters and he pauses to go
through his mental index for words he can pronounce
cleanly. And he was doing it in the face of a firehose
of raw sewage from the mouth of Dimestore Hitler.
Mad props to Mr. Biden.
When Dubya took this country to war against Iraq we
all scratched our heads and said "WTF?".
It made no sense to anyone at the time. Now we know
it was meant to destabilize the Middle East and super-embiggen
the military-industrial money trough. Among other conservative
machiavellian end-times schemes.
I'm getting the same head-scratchy feeling after watching
t-Rump during the debate. Think of him what you will
but he's smarter than the act he put on tonight. I've
had this suspicion all along but the kabuki he engaged
in last evening is, I think, part of his plan to intentionally
throw the election.
I'm serious.
His colicky howler monkey routine was in no way going
to earn him more votes. He dog-whistled to his core
group of voters, of course, but he made the rest of
America consider increasing their alcohol intake. His
talk of ballot insecurity, the packing of the Supreme
Court, and his attempted destruction of the USPS has
earned him no sway with voters either Red or Blue.
Unfortunately for us all, Republican fuckery and a
fierce resurgence of covid-19 this winter will result
in the economy tanking hard just about the time Biden
raises his right hand. By that time t-Rump and his
kids will be long gone, sunning themselves on a tropical
beach somewhere, safe from the long arm of American
As for t-Rump's famous debts, even if he won the election
he's still on the short end of a half-billion in personal
loans and no way to pay them off with a $400k salary
and a brand that's pure poison. So imagine if he has
a big payday waiting for him on those tropical shores
if he follows orders and leaves this country a burning
husk in his wake? There's nothing left for him here
except jail, so he's made a deal. And a half billion
dollars is a small price for a foreign government to
pay to drive a once-mighty opponent to its knees.
And when Republicans relentlessly point to the way "Biden
destroyed the economy" in the run-up to the 2024
elections that will probably put Romney on the throne,
then the vultures will descend to pick the bones.

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someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
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(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Trump: Aspersion, backbiting, calumniation,
calumny, deceit, deception, defamation, detraction,
dishonesty, disinformation, distortion, evasion,
fable, fabrication, falsehood, falseness, falsification,
falsity, fib, fiction, forgery, fraudulence,
guile, hyperbole, inaccuracy, invention, libel,
mendacity, misrepresentation, misstatement,
myth, obloquy, perjury, prevarication, revilement,
reviling, slander, subterfuge, tale, tall story,
vilification, white lie, whopper.
Biden. Chris Wallace.