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Loons? Can You Hear the Loons?
It was revealed recently that there exists five other
takes of Big Chief Crazypants' address to the insurrectionists
on January 6th, the video in which he told them they
were "very special" and that he "loved them". Only
the sixth version was deemed satisfactorily within
the bounds of sanity to release to the public.
So I wonder what the other five takes were like. Hmmm.
I wonder... I wonder (screen begins to shimmer and
crossfade into a scene in the Oval Office. Trump emotes
before the camera, pants bulging suspiciously.)
Take One: "Goddammit! Godammit! Goddammit! Goddammit!
Fucking Pence! Fucking Pelosi! Fucking no good goddamn
Take Two: "I don't wanna do this. Reading is harrrrrd.
I'm tie-errrrrd. I want a Diet Coke. Does this jacket
make me
look fat?
I wore this jacket when I went to North Korea. Kim
Jong-il said it made me look like Ronald Reagan. Ooh,
look! Squirrels! Where's my goddamn Coke?"
Take Three: "I know you're all sorry you didn't
get Mike Pence but not as sorry as I am. You can
try again in four
years. Until then, send me money. Lots of money. Daddy
needs money."
Take Four: "Everyone calm down. You did your best.
So let's all just.... CUT! CUT! CUT!. I just crapped
myself again. Can someone get me... are we still rolling?
Turn it off. TURN IT OFF!"
Take Five: "Some people say I can pardon anyone
I want no matter what kind of violence they commit
on my behalf.
I don't recommend you burning down the Capitol or anything
but, you know... pardons. Though you didn't hear it
me. Whaddaya MEAN we need one more?"
Hermann Goring didn't cry on the stand. He had the
decency to shoot off himself for his crimes.

Umberto Eco laid out the 14
common features of fascism,
all of which are already in progress in this country.
A 46-year-old San Francisco police officer decided
he'd rather take a leave of absence from the force
than get the covid-19 vaccine.
He died of covid-19 this week.
How dumb do you have to be?
How fucking dumb do you have to be?

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Conserva-tips, #247
Hi, fellow cons! What to do when the media
tells the mindless sheep who vote for us they're
mindless sheep for voting for us? Easy!
Just tell the mindless sheep that it's the
media who thinks that the mindless sheep are
mindless sheep. Works every time.
TThe progressive editorial cartoon about advice
for currpt Republicans.