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When I heard about the SUV driver who killed and hospitalized
all those people in Wisconsin yesterday my first thought
was "Well, he'll just plead 'no contest'. Those people
up there
LOVVVE that shit. Fuck 'em."
Yeah, I know, he hurt little kids, too, but guess
what, muthafukkahs... kids die every day from gun-related
incidents and I'm
not hearing a goddamn thing about gun control today
or any other day from our racist Republican pals.
Would gun control have stopped this idiot driver today?
The man has previous charges against him for gun crimes. That
chunk of metal in a moron's hand makes them think they're
invulnerable so you do the math.
All this incident has done is to give the Right a chance
to ratchet up the hatred towards Blacks and I can guarantee
you they will.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderous psychotic. Anyone who
goes on TV after a trial in which they killed innocent
people and smile like they've won the fucking lottery
is a murderous psychotic.

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(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Fact News reporter: We asked Republicans what
they thought about the President's plans for
cheaper child care, lower medicine costs, expanded
health care, affordable housing, and saving
our environment.
Graves saying stop the shot, no masks, covid
is a hoax, my body my choice, it's a scam demic,
I'd rather die than comply
So far there has been no response.
Facts News: Unironically fair and balanced.
The progressive editorial cartoon about Build
Back Better.