progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Should any political party be less deserving of the
description "right" as the Republican Party?
How about, instead, the "Entitled Party" or
the "Arrogant
Party" or the
"Ignorant Arrogant Entitled Racist Jerk Party"?
Anyone else find it odd that Fox News is still putting
the slam on vaccines and yet Rupert Murdoch, the owner
and operator of said channel is known to have already
gotten his. Hell, he probably knocked down some old
Black lady and stole her spot in line.
I hope John Oliver's recent take-down
of that racist scumbag, Tucker Carlson,
people who happen to be in Tucker's
general vicinity to turn their heads
in his direction if they happen to
feel the urge to forcibly eject excess
400,000 deaths due to covid-19 drove
an awful lot of Democrats and Independents
to the polls to vote against the Former
Occupant last November, but there was
one person whose death was most important
to the Presidential election of 2020.
Beau Biden.
If Beau Biden had not succumbed to
brain cancer in 2015 his father, Joe
Biden, would have certainly run for
the presidency in 2016 and the Former
Occupant would not have. TFO counted
on this country's vast reservoir of
misogyny to hinder Hillary's candidacy,
and it did, but TFO's heavy reliance
on racism would have been the worst
strategy possible against a candidate
like Joe, as the 2020 election revealed.
If Beau had survived Joe Biden would
already be in his second term and the
country would not be presently clinging
desperately to democracy or requiring
vast amounts of federal aid to keep
its economic heart beating as a result
of mishandling the pandemic.
Big Ironic Twist ending: Cancer kept
Joe out of the White House in 2016,
put a cancer IN the White House in
I knew Rachel Maddow was something
special when I started listening to
her on Air America Radio 15 years ago.
We are blessed as a people to have
her on the fervently progressive side
of Big D Democracy.
Congrats on the Grammy, Ms. M!

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(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Teacher: As you know, class, there are two
main political factions in America; the progressive
left and the conservative wrong.
Student: Don't you mean "Conservative
Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene,
Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Stephen miller, Susan
Collins, Lindsey Graham, Greg Abbott, Matt
Gaetz, Joe Wilson, Steve King, Devin Nunes,
Louis Gohmert, Steve Bannon, Kevin McCarthy,
Josh Hawley, Mitch McConnell, and Bill Barr.
We good?
I sit corrected.
In case you're wondering, Donald Trump is not
a Conservative. He's a Russian pawn with mob
ties who smells like old diapers. (Although,
on second thought…)