progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

A Little Overkill-y
Godammit, police!
Stop shooting people!
That's not your fucking job!
Considering recent events it SURRRRRE
seems like the police are on the hunt
for black men.
I think we all would like to walk up
to a police officer and let them know
exactly what we think of their casual
proclivity of shooting to kill, but
they'd probably just shoot us.
If any state would totally restrict
all easy access to guns and increased
funding for education it would see
a huge boom in population growth as
would flock there for the relative
safety their children would have from
school shootings.
Dear Texas Republican Congressmen:
Let me be clear.... anything less than
mail-in ballots for all who want them
plus a massive increase in the number
of drop-boxes is vote-suppression.
Thank you. You may now return to your
pay-offs and bribes, which are already
in progress.
Does Matt Gaetz actually have to be
caught with neatly-dated bags of hooker
parts in his refrigerator before the
GOP decides he's got to go?
It's becoming clear that Matt Gaetz
thought Trump would be president forever.
Fuck him.
For the record:
Deaths due to COVID-19 vaccine: 0
Deaths by not getting the vaccine:
Get the vaccine.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Which of these weapons from 2051 AD would the
NRA still define as a gun?
Drone shotgun: Fires laser-guided nano drones
that penetrate the target's rectum and then
Quantum entanglement pistol: Opens a wormhole
that transports the perp to a random space-time
Singularity rifle: Launches a microscopic black
hole that, upon impact, sucks your foe into a
fatal gravity well.
NRA: Well, to be honest, as long as it goes
boom and looks like a big ol' wiener it works
for us.
The progressive editorial cartoon about what the
NRA considers to be a gun.