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The thing that bothers me about Rachel Maddow ending her 5-night-a-week
gig next year is the political timing of it. 2022 and 2024
will be critical election years and we need her.
I'm having flashbacks to Letterman and Stewart leaving the
air just before the 2016 elections.
You just KNOW that right-wing media
is going to make a big stinking deal
about all these "muslims" in
our American midst until, oh, right
after the 2024 elections.
Then they'll suddenly disappear, like
Hillary's emails.
Regardless of right-wing spin the Biden
administration is doing a fine job
of airlifting our Afghan friends out
of danger.
t-Rump, on the other hand, would have
required Afghanis to "donate" money
for tickets with all proceeds going
to his "inaugural fund".
Either that or have Mexico pay for
the evacuation.
(And now I hear that Eric Prince, that
cancerous lesion of a human, is trying
to charge Afgnanis $6500 for a flight
out of the country on his private planes.
There is no bottom.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
The MAGA brain
an exploration into oxymoronia
Caption: you can control the spread of covid-19
by wearing a mask
MAGA: oh, sure. I might as well wear pink panties,
c: would you prefer a vaccine?
M: Satan's Semen? No thanks.
c: Monoclonal antibodies?
M: Monocochee antiwhatnow?
c: Well, crap, I don't know… Dog heartworm
M: Hell, yeah! Take my money!
The progressive editorial cartoon about maga
brains and anti-vaxxers.