progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

of the slave
Marjorie Taylor Greene is whining about having to answer
questions under oath about her part in Trump's insurrection.
Hillary's just laughing and laughing.
What does DeSantis have against Disney?
In "The Little Mermaid" a half-naked Caucasian
immigrant female forfeits her right to speak for herself
in order to become a child-bride to an oligarch in a
land without Brown people.
It's like a wish his heart makes.
Dear Florida; "Owning the libs" is not effective
government. Helping ALL the people is effective government.
Just in case you forgot.
What I've learned over the years is that Republicans
do not recognize a particular disease unless they or
someone in their family suffers from it.(See: Reagan)
So when Tucker Carlson starts talking about "low
After listening to Rachel Maddow explain how Putin has
used trumped-up charges of pedophilia against his political
enemies, in order to control or eliminate them, I had
an "A-HA!" moment
about what's really on the "Trump Pee Tape".
It's not a "pee" tape at all, it's a "p" tape.
And that's why Trump is terrified of it.

News & Notes
for April 21, 2022
look. Ron DeSantis is a bald-faced, lying,
shit-weasel concerning Disney.
look. Florida taxpayers on the line for
a one billion dollar increase in taxes
due to Ron DeSantis' math book grift.
look. Kevin McCarthy wanted Trump to
resign, and then he didn't, and then
he lied about it.
look. Mitch McConnell thought Trump should
be impeached, and then he didn't.
look. The Conservatives on the Surpeme Court
just told Puerto Rico's poor and hungry to
go screw themselves.
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(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP: Your stupid insurrection failed! We are SO
done with you!
Trump: How about I play the victim for four years
and my idiot voters will make me dictator in 2024?
GOP: Hey! Now you're talking!
The progressive editorial cartoon about Republican