progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
Didja miss me? I missed you, too.
The thing about being an editorial-type cartoonist
while Putin's Prostitute squatted in the White House
was that he was
an easy target for ridicule, a huge target,
a great big fat greasy orange fascist target lacking
a bulls-eye but prominently featuring a festering
was a gift to us all, meaning it was child's play
to lampoon
his puzzling political machinations as he zigged
from this grift or zagged towards that transparent
before finally staggering towards inevitable infamy.
Today he's mostly irrelevant and the Conservative/fascist
editorial targets infesting Washington that we're
left to portray in ink and pixels are smaller
and less satisfying to caricature, certainly less
familiar to the roiling
masses. It's
the GOP dumped
a bucket of Madagascar hissing roaches on the floor
of the House of Representatives and fired a starter's
Kevin "The Invertebrate"
McCarthy is now, to all appearances, randomly assigning
this cadre of seditious lunatics
to important
government stations, which means we're just going
to have to wait a while until it all goes "FOOM!", which
it inevitably will. Then it'll be easier for us 'toonest's
to point and laugh though unpleasant for the average
American human when the economy craters because the
roaches nuked the debt just to own the Libs.

you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project
(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant: You know that income inequality
means families become homeless and children
go hungry.
Lefty: You know that lack of choice means women
will often suffer or even die as a result of
their pregnancies
You know that our insurance-based health care
system forces low-income Americans to live
with sickness and pain.
So do you have a reaction to this?
Yes, multiple orgasms.
The progressive editorial cartoon about Republican