Why would I re-post a 12-year-old parody (from March
2, 2011) of "Dilbert" just
as the comic itself is being given a well-deserved heave-ho
off the comic poop-deck?
I dunno.... maybe to show what a funny, relevant and completely
non-racist Dilbert comic might have looked like?
I ever tell you about the time that Scott Adams, that racist
scum-bag with the giant brain,
threatened to sue me?
It was back in 1995 and I was running a web site devoted
to satirizing one particular syndicated comic (Don't ask)
that has long since ceased to grace this nation's funny pages.
featured a main character named Bob.
For the site's home page I decided to create an animated
GIF featuring Dilbert repeatedly kicking Bob's schmucky tucchus.
Dilbert and not, say Dagwood Bumstead or Li'l Abner? Who
Keep in mind that this web site was small potatoes as web
sites go and Google was still in its infancy. Yet within
a couple of months after publishing the animation I got a
from Scumbag
Scott telling
me I'd better delete my creation muy pronto or there would
be legal trouble.
What I didn't know at the time was that I had a perfect
Constitutional right to depict Dilbert as I did. What I DID
know was that Adams' syndicate had lawyers on staff that
were bigger
and better
funded than the lawyers on MY staff. Which is is to say....
In response I altered Dilbert's appearance, to better
illustrate my evolving opinion of the character, but Adams
was unmollified so I just canned the
Here, in case you're wondering, is the animation
in question. Yes, this is the original size. Web
pages were much teensier back in the olden days.
