Story, Bruh!
The famous Drake equation was created to mathematically
estimate the number of active extraterrestrial civilizations
in the universe but it makes no attempt to estimate how many
might share our odd belief in the idea of god or gods.
There's a good reason for this and here it is:
Human religious constructs are bat-shit crazy and are
largely an invention of our unique primate brain structure
deep inside, is still on the alert for predators sneaking
up behind
of years after leaving Olduvai Gorge.
So when the Age of Man is over this peculiar notion of a
Great Creator will wink out and never be seen again in the
known universe. And should the ruins of the civilization
left behind ever be sifted through by alien archeologists
I'm pretty certain
think it
was just as well.
The biggest problem I face with creating my 'toons is something
I call "The Garfield Effect". I don't want to ever
lapse into a "I-hate-Monday" or "Oh, boy!
Lasagna!" rut
which, sadly, many consumers of the daily funnies take great
in. Consider, as another example, Charlie Brown and his damned
football gag.
So, yeah, I'm tromping on "sacred" grounds again but I
hope in a way that offers a fresh perspective instead of
campy comfort.
We're edging ever closer to Trump in irons and he's obviously
getting scared. I, for one, would be sadly disappointed if
A: Succumbs to a coronary or
B: Flees the country.
C. Cops to a plea deal where he trades the presidency for
freedom. (But I think Jack is going for the kill, so good
luck with that,
Fat Boy.)
In response to Marjorie "Barney Rubble" Greene's pornographic
onslaught on the country yesterday I felt obliged to
create the following:

For the record, the image of the mushroom was actually
enlarged to make it visible to the human eye.
Have a great weekend!