Thin Red Line
Now that Alexander Smirnov has been fingered as a Russian
intelligence tool it's time to take the next step and arrest
James Comer
and Jim Jordan for complicity in a conspiracy to bring down
the President. And also because their mother dresses them
Then Hunter Biden needs to sue the pants off both of them
for slander. Lets start at $355 million and go from there.
I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no
scruples selling wildly overpriced sneakers to racist morons,
then I laughed my ass off.
(Apologies to Hellen Keller)
Donald Trump selling athletic shoes is a like a fish selling
A little something I whipped up for those of us not keen
on spray-painted sneaks.

And finally:
"There was a tendency to assume that when all the world’s
knowledge comes online, everyone will flock to it. It turns
out that if you give everyone access to the Library of Congress,
what they do is watch videos on TikTok." - Neal Stephenson