progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Memory Hole
How many Republicans running for office this year do you
think are boasting that they got rid of abortion?
I would guess damn few.
Very damn few, because the little treasonous bastards know
that an overwhelming majority of Americans prefer having
as a medical option
as they're not stupid.
They know that things
can and
do go horribly wrong during a pregnancy.
That's why the GOP is making this election all about the
border in hope their supporters will conveniently forget
that their daughters and grand-daughters lives are literally
on the line.
President Joe Biden certainly can't lower gas
prices by pulling some
lever that
the nooks of the Resolute Desk but House Republicans can
sure make a mess of the immigrant problem by just doing
nothing, and blaming it on Joe. A tactic they've perfected
into an art.
I have a Facebook
page for Raging Pencils which currently
has over 7500 followers. Each Monday, for the past several
years, I have scouted the inter-tubes
best editorial cartoons from the previous week so that I
might share them with the peeps, to provide a broad
spectrum of
by professional and semi-well-paid editorial cartoonists
while I draw Trump pissing himself and looking stupid.
Today I had a visitor comment that all of the cartoons I
posted were "fucking depressing". And she was correct.
Editorial cartoons used to be simpler affairs. Topics were
mostly about greed and government corruption. But sometimes
it was about the looming threat of nuclear devastation. And
right about 1939 the tone
to the threat of fascism, a subject so serious that 50 million
people died as a result.
Editorial cartoons today are not
amusing, at all, as the subject matter often leans hard into
the existential threat of, you guessed it, fascism again.
It's rather difficult to put a sugar coating on that stuff.
So if you'd like to have more editorial cartoons that deal
zoning laws or too few pepperonis on the school lunch pizza
then try and vote for the good guys next time. You know who
they are. They have the big D after their names on the ballot.
(Your mileage may vary.)

you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project
(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Hand tossing keys into toilet. labeled "access
to abortion", "access to IVF", "access
to contraception".
Baby GOP elephant in diapers flushing toilet
and saying "I didn't do it."
The progressive comic about Republicans against
reproductive rights.