progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Naked Truth
Do polar bears live to be 35? Yes, in captivity. But does
anyone think Trump would have lived to see 35 if he'd been
born a poor black child? That fool would have gotten straight-up
shanked in in the 70s during a fight with
pimp over
owns that
little runaway Kansas girl
they both discovered at the bus station.
Convince me I'm wrong.
If the Supreme Court takes up the Trump immunity case, on
the suspicion that their primary goal is to firmly set in
legal cement the limits of a President's power, it could
only be
to Trump's benefit as it's clear to anyone with a pulse
that Trump never had a valid claim of immunity and so any
action by
the Supreme Court
would only
help to delay
eventual trial for trying to overthrow the government. Which
is all that Trump wanted anyway.
Did anyoe notice that Republicans in both the House and Senate
introduced bills yesterday saying that Trump did not lead
an insurrection against his government?
Now why would they
do that?
Because Trump led an insurrection against his own government
and Putin desperately needs Trump back in the White House.
So Vlad's knee is figuratively, if not literally, on the
necks of these traitorous swine.

you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project
(Comments are moderated for misinformation,
not content.)

Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Polar bear: I'm over 35, I was born here in
Alaska, and I haven't tried to overthrow the
You're right, Frankie. You're more qualified
to be president than Trump.
The progressive comic about the 14th amendment