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The progressive comic about Trump losing the debate

end rant

Pest Chains

Last night the Senate voted on a bill to provide a federal right to IVF access.

Republicans voted it down 51-44 because Republicans don't fix problems.

Vote Blue.

Senator JD vance didn't vote. A Facebook post said he was busy trading used sofas for donuts to give to single cat ladies to feed to starving Haitians. The man just never stops giving.


House Republicans will shut down the government if they can't include a rider on the budget bill which keeps illegals from voting, the so-called SAVE Act.This is more Trump horse-shit.

1. There are already laws to keep illegals from voting. Lots of them.

2. Illegal voting of this sort is rare. REALLY rare.

3. The act won't go into effect for months or even years and will have exactly zero effect on this election.

4. It's an unfunded mandate, meaning the States will have to pony up the dough for the new rules themselves.

5. This is just another scare tactic by the GOP right before the election. Same old playbook.


You know why life was more affordable for the middle-class in the 1960s?

You didn't have to pay by the month to watch programs on your TV. Most homes had only one phone. No home computers. No video games. Vehicles were inexpensive, easily repairable, and had few safety features with no advanced electronics. One car per family was enough. Auto insurance in many states wasn't mandatory. Family doctors had reasonable rates and there were free public health clinics. Frozen dinners were still a novelty and people mostly cooked at home.
Fast food was cheap. Home delivery of food was rare and considered a luxury. Houses didn't have to be mansions. Clothes were durable and made of natural fibers. Income inequality was a fraction of what it is today. Unions were popular. Oil was plentiful.

My family had eight kids and we experienced poverty but I hardly noticed. We got by because of the list above. In fact, my parents were able to buy a home on what was a very minimal income.

Our country certainly can't go back to those days but it wouldn't hurt us to have a broader perspective on what constitutes necessity these days and what is luxury.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 18, 2024

JD Vance offers "proof" of pet-eaters in Springfield.

Springfield, Ohio Mayor to Trump: "Stay outta my town, asshole!"

Butt-hurt fascist Trump hates being called a fascist. Says no one should use the word fascist. Wanna see him use the word "fascist" a lot?

Kentucky Governor bans use of "conversion therapy" on minors.

Kamala? Landslide? Yeah, it could happen!"

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Trump: Doc, I'm having pains in my chest. It feels like Kamala Harris is telling 67 million Americans that my rallies are small and boring and that people leave early.
Doctor: Okay, how much adderall do you need?
trump: All of it.

The progressive comic about Trump inability to accept losing the debate to a Black woman.

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