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The progressive comic about Netanyahu's ceasefire promise

end rant


I'm not the only one with suspicions about how the Israeli security forces could have been so lax on the days leading up to the October 6th attack by Hamas. Israel is literally surrounded by hostile peoples and countries who think they have overstayed their welcome, having arrived in 1949 and made themselves at home in the resident population's, uh, homes. So it's been in the best interest of the Israeli version of the CIA to keep a studiously close eye on the neighbors just in case they get a little feisty.

And yet, BOOM!, out of nowhere, 3000 Hamas belligerents stormed the gates and thousands of Israeli citizens were attacked, raped, and murdered. The response from the Israeli security forces was, to put it mildly, oddly sluggish.

Now it could be that Bibi Netanyahu just needed a really good, 9/11-level excuse to start a conflict against a neighbor whose lands they've long desired.

And maybe Bibi knew that because of the strong pro-israel wing of American politics he had a free hand to begin eradicating Palestinians because any push-back by the Biden administration would drive the Jewish constituency to support Trump.

And it may be that Bibi might actually prefer Trump as president because the proper honeyed words whispered into the simple-minded, incontinent bastard's ear would get Bibi anything he wants.

And what Bibi might really want is Gaza populated by Israeli Jews... and foreign real estate investors.

So it could be if Kamala Harris wins the presidency, and maybe gets the House and Senate, too, Bibi would have to deal with a smart, former prosecutor who knows what a war criminal looks like.

Could be.


North Carolina's most famous Black Nazi and gubernatorial candidate, Mark Robinson, is nationally famous for his ardent attentions towards, and attendance of, a web site called "Blackafrica.com". It made me think there needs to be a similar web site for those of us of a more progressive nature. Maybe one called...


No, it's not a real place. But imagine the possibilities.


The difference between Tim Walz and Donald Trump is that Walz doesn't lie because he has integrity, and
Trump lies continually because he can't remember what he said the last time.


There was a moment in this country when one could proudly call oneself "a Boomer with a Beemer and a beeper".

Not anymore.



Democracy Update: I Paypal-ed copious amounts of my Patreon hoard this month to Democratic Senate candidates Dan Osborne, Colin Allred, and John Tester. Feel free to send them a spare simoleon or two as they could sure use it. Thanks!

- Lefty

end rant

Leftabulous News for September 25, 2024

Trump's Project 2025 is intensely disliked by the public.

A new series of TV ads feature women who were sexually assaulted by Trump. Heh-heh-heh.

Kamala takes 7% national lead over Trump. (Remember, polls aren't votes, so go VOTE!)

Trump and his Republican pals think women are stupid and aren't shy about saying it. That's... stupid.

Trump tried to slime Tim Walz. It didn't work.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
tariff comic
What Trump said.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

What Netayahu said: I will consider a ceasefire after the U.S. elections.
What Americans heard: I'm interested in a ceasefire.
What he meant: I'll consider a ceasefire if Kamala Harris is elected.
What he actually meant: If Trump wins I ain't considerin' shit.

The progressive comic about Netanyahu's promise of a ceasefire.

ranked voting comic the debate  comic