comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
The next day emergency crews found the body of
Herbert Feegelman frozen in place at his front door.
Holding an empty candy bowl. Smiling. |
Looking for a specific RP comic and/or
Rant and can't find it?

No rant today. It's late and I have
hours to go on my pirate-robot-zombie-slut costume.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to stash a
little of the good candy for yourself.
Update, 10-17-2011: This particular
cartoon has been the subject of considerable observation
as of late. To all those wunnerful people I say "Thanks
for coming!" and I hope
a moment
or two to
wander lazily through the rest of my assorted cartoons
before you go.

Today's mystery web comic is:
Raging Pencils salutes the Mystery
Reader of
Mönchengladbach, Germany
Whoever you are, thanks for reading my unrefined
little 'toon.
If you enjoy Raging Pencils ,
might I also recommend:
Can't make sense of the news? Try our
selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Old mat at door on Halloween: "Ooh, and what are you two little
angels supposed to be?"
Unseen girl: "Two girls, one cup."
The next day emergency crews found the body of Herbert Feegelman frozen
in place at his front door. Holding an empty candy bowl. Smiling.