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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

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me, Morpheus.
Bitter Pill
Over the weekend Beloved Girlfriend and I settled
in to watch the Matrix trilogy. The last
time I saw them was when they were still in theatres
and at that time I just let the noise and the
fury wash over me without trying to make much
sense of
it all.
Classic American
popcorn-eating fun.
Since then BG has watched all three
movies several times but I never quite found
the time. And so it was as I watched them again
that I posed a lot of
that BG
I know it's
dumb. Now
will you please shut up?"
To wit:
(1) The Machines were fighting mankind... why?
(2) If the Machines were so smart why didn't
they just scrub the atmosphere clean and return
to using the same old-fashioned solar
power they
started with?
(3) If there was no sunshine, and thus no crops,
what were the Machines feeding their human "batteries"
to keep
(4) Mankind was reduced to living in a concrete
coccoon deep in the bowels of the Earth. Why
should the Machines care?
(5) What the hell were the Machines doing up
(6) How can a computer virus infect a human host?
(7) Why did they turn such a cool character as Morpheus into a mewling cipher?
(8) How did Neo attain such godlike powers?
(9) After all the
destruction that occurred between man and Machine
the real enemy was Smith? Really?
(10) The Machines and mankind were at peace...
(11) Why was the Matrix necessary?
I could go on. And on. And on. And on. Luckily
for you, I gotta sleep sometime.
Yeah, I know, it's years after the fact so who
cares? It's just that I don't ask these kind
of questions when I watch
BTW, I know that the objects in my cartoon aren't
accurately portrayed relative in size
to one another, but it's impossible at
screen resolution, so don't gimme no shit about
Addendum: I didn't think anyone would take
these questions seriously but I was wrong. If you'd like
to view the opinions of others, or even add your own, please
go here.

Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Reader of
you are, thanks for
reading my scooby
little 'toon.
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Title: Relative Sizes of Objects in Our Universe.
Runners-up: Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Sun,
Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus, Aldebara, Rigel, Betelgeuse,
Antares, S doradus, KY Cygni and VV Cephei.
The winnah!: Plot holes in "The Matrix".