of An Era
ten years ago I went to a nearby neighborhood garage
sale and accumulated a back seat full of bric-a-brac
that has since evaporated from my life like so much
support for Rick Perry.
However, one of the true treasures I found that day was a 6" in diameter
roll of the greatest wrapping paper of all time. It was a faux Peter Max design
subsequently used
for countless Xmases, weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs, and possibly a funeral
or two.
Over the years everyone in my family has become sick
stuff but I felt it to be my faithful companion at times of celebration as I
never had to question whether I was prepared to wrap even the largest, most unwieldy
package. When I said "Wrap!" it said "How many yards?"
So it is, with utmost sadness, that I report that the roll has, at long last,
petered out. I'm down to the last few yards and, as though it knows its time
has come,
the registration of the colors has begun to wander. Click the image above for
a closer look at this inspired design.
I will miss you, old friend, and I hope we meet again someday in that Great Macy's
Wrap Department in the sky.
As for today's comic, no, I didn't even TRY to rhyme this sucker
as I tried to stay true to the Skynet aesthetic which I'd guess isn't very, shall
we say, "artistic".
And now our "Chart of the Day":

Click here for larger version
I neither drink coffee nor attend church but I think
those of you who do might find this chart the height
of hilarity.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a
relentless focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February
10, 2011.
The following is #123 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained
control of the
House in 2011.
yet to result in
one, single new
(123) 12-19-2011: The GOP is getting the hell out of
Dodge for the holidays, but a quick accounting of their
first year in charge of the House reveals they voted
a record 191 times against
environmental protection laws. That's almost one
vote for every day they were in session. Yuck!
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now
has its own web site. It will
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
Dump Fox News
& Friends... the
top misinformers of 2011.
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Fox from your cable system.