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On Tradition
not keen on decorating for the holidays these days.
Years ago I had a huge, beautiful aluminum Xmas tree
that twirled regally on its base and was lit with rotating
colored lights. It was nicely framed by a huge
dining room window at the front of my house and the
tree would actually stop traffic. Night
after night I'd hear the squealing of tires as people
abruptly stopped their cars to gaze upon my tree.
Then I was adopted by my cat.
It didn't take but one Xmas to realize that bright
shiny objects and hyperactive animals didn't mix. After
a couple of years in storage one lucky eBay-er took
it all. Since
then the house has been unfestooned for the holidays.
This year, though, I couldn't resist waxing festive.
The folks marketing the movie version of Jean Shepherd''s
"A Christmas Story" worked overtime this year creating
tie-ins to the movie, and the best of the many-and-varied
was this huge, transparent image of the movie's singular
the infamous
leg lamp. I found this one at my local Walgreens. Best
$5 I ever spent. (Click
for larger image.)
So far my little fuzzballs haven't discovered
a way to destroy it but, until they do, it will continue
to cast its lascivious lusciousness over the length
and breadth of Jonesboro Avenue.
And now our "Chart of the Day":

Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a
relentless focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February
10, 2011.
The following is #124 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained
control of the
House in 2011.
yet to result in
one, single new
(124) 12-21-2011: Today the House leadership rejected
without vote a Payroll Tax Cut bill that the Senate
and House would have overwhelmingly voted for. If you
need any further proof that the only thing the GOP
cares about is how badly it can ruin the economy,
this is it.
Wow. Just... wow.
Addendum: House Democrats today tried to force an up-or-down
vote on the Payroll Tax bill but the Republican Speaker
Pro-Temp ignored them. When Democrats protested John
Boehner had C-SPAN cut
the video and audio feed of
the proceedings. Video can be seen
Double Wow.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now
has its own web site. It will
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
Dump Fox News
O'Reilly opens his fat yap during an interview
with former President Bill Clinton and LIES about George
Bush's economic policies.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery all comments are
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Mike's Video Vault
A Terry Gilliam Xmas card.
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of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
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Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Santa: Ho-ho-ho! And what
would you like for Christmas, little boy?
Kid: I honestly don't know, Santa.
I try to be good but I fall prey to questionable notions
that no doubt affect my final disposition in the arbitrary
void between naughty and nice.
In this regard, what if I ask for more than I deserve?
Should I choose long-term investment or momentary pleasure?
Will I someday reflect on my gift with nostalgia or
Maybe I'll just leave the decision to you, hoping that
what I get isn't made by slave labor and is easily
recyclable. Merry Christmas, Santa.
Elf: That was nice.
Santa: Yes, it restores your faith... Hey! Where's
my wallet?
Kid: Joy to the worrrrrrrrld...