Gingrich is the current favorite for the GOP presidential
nod, which is bad news for the Republican Party as
Newt has more questionable baggage than the belly of
a Fillipino 747.
On top of which the man has no ideas to bring to the debate other than "Obama
Sucks" and "More money for my corporate Lords and Masters", although
that's pretty much the same as all of the other Republican candidates.
His qualifications are not that unusual as this is exactly the kind of nincompoop
candidate the GOP has been breeding for the past 20 years, culminating in the
largest assemblage of simpleton's running for chief executive in this country's
long history.
That is not hyperbole.
Newt's candicacy will fade like a Kardashian marriage vow once his sordid personal
and business history filters its way up to the masses, so the question is: Who
will take his place? In answer, let me put it this way...
The late George Carlin once humorously surmised that,
strictly by the process of elimination, somewhere in
this country
exists the worst doctor, and that someone has an appointment
with him tomorrow.
In that same vein what we're going to end up with is
the least offensive GOP candidate possible. So, ladies
and gentlemen, I give you your new Republican Presidential
candidate for 2012...
John Huntsman.
Yeah, I don't know who that is, either.
The following is the intro of a revealing
look into the machinations of Wall Street from an insider's
point-of-view. It
reveals why you, as the 99%, should be utterly pissed:
I'm writing this in hopes that the OWS movement can
have a better understanding of the hedge fund industry
and the financial markets. With OWS being the zeitgeist
of current politics, I think it's important to know
how exactly the hedge funds, along with the financial
markets are destroying the 99%.
Hedge funds. These guys are basically the vehicles
of choice for ultra-rich people to get into the financial
markets, besides family offices and private wealth
managers. What are hedge funds? They are funds that
have a 1-5 million deposit minimum, cater to the mega-rich,
and can invest in anything without regulatory restrictions,
use leverage to pump up their exposure by 15x, and
pretty much eat up a vast majority of the industry's
These guys invest in EVERYTHING. Instruments you've
heard of - stocks, bonds, forwards, futures, currencies,
and instruments that you, me, or anyone else have never
even heard of, much less know anything about:
future swaptions, FRA/OIS swaps, CLOs, exotic future
options, p-notes, index/commodity/equity exposures,
and a huge array of OTC (over-the-counter) instruments
that no regular investor would ever have access to.
Why I bring this up: the financial markets are rigged.
99% of the investing public has access to services
such as basic brokerages, 401k/IRA's, mutual funds,
pension plans, etc. Some of these services, especially
pension funds, will invest into hedge funds, who take
an additional 2 and 20 (meaning 2% of assets plus 20%
of capital gains).
What this means is that if you go any of the traditional
retail routes, you are utterly screwed facing off against
the hedge funds.
(To read the whole thing, and I encourage you to do
so, please click
And now our "Chart of the Day":

here for a larger version.
The distinction to make here is "private sector"
as the public sector has been shedding jobs (like teachers,
firemen, and police) by the millions in states run
by Republican legislatures. It's all part of the GOP's
plan to ruin Mr. Obama's chances at another term by
ruining the country economically.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless
focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10,
The following is #117 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of
the House in 2011. None, sad
yet to result in one, single
new job.
(117) 12-5-2011: The GOP's idea to pay for the payroll
tax cut is to cut food stamps and unemployment benefits
by pitching it as a way to punish people making over
a million dollars. I
kid you not.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now has
its own web site. It will remain
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
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