following is by Matt Clark at
may come as a bit of a shock, but it's only right for
you to know that you've been "indoctrinated" by
the Muppets. Yes, as much as Jim Henson's crew of cuddly
misfits might have appeared to want nothing more than
to teach children how to count on "Sesame Street" or
to make them laugh with G-rated humor, it turns out
that Kermit and crew were a bunch of dirty, Commie
pinkos all along.
The other night on Fox Business News' "Follow
the Money," host Eric Bolling took to the airwaves
to set the record straight: "The Muppets" is
just another entry in a long string of Hollywood propaganda
produced solely for the purpose of turning impressionable
children against our country's down-trodden oil barons.
As noted by The Hollywood Reporter, media watchdog
group Media Matters took offense to Mr. Bolling's stance
on the furry, Marxist puppets. Apparently, the group
didn't quite agree with Fox News' pointing out the
obvious "liberal bias" of films that feature
talking frogs and bears-turned-comedians. What else
can anyone take away from a movie which features an
oil tycoon as the main antagonist?
"Is liberal Hollywood using class warfare to brainwash
our kids," asked Bolling, with a totally straight
face. "Are there any Occupy Wall Street Muppets?"
According to Bolling's guest, Dan Rainor of Media Research
Center, "There should be!" Rainor managed
to say this without laughing, going on to mention that
the message of "The Muppets" is exactly like
the liberal message of "The Matrix."
This conversation between actual, human adults who
are paid to be on television continued with fellow
Fox News host Andrea Tantaros. "It's brainwashing….
I just wish liberals could leave little kids alone," she
said. Tantaros then went on to ask why an imaginary,
felt character animated by a person's hand couldn't
get on food stamps if it was starving. That actually
Of course, the humor of this conversation – where
wealthy people ask why anyone would vilify wealthy
people – taking place on a show called "Follow
The Money" was absolutely lost on everyone involved.
What a huge shock to find out that through all the
years, thinking these little characters just wanted
to teach me about friendship, the Muppets were really
just trying to indoctrinate me into a furry Red Army.
Et tu, Sam the Eagle?.
And now our "Chart of the Day":

One of the writers for Family Guy, Patrick
Meighan, describes his experience being
arrested at an Occupy event in Los Angeles. It's
not quite what you read in the papers.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless
focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10,
The following is #118 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of
the House in 2011. None, sad
yet to result in one, single
new job.
(118) 12-7-2011: The GOP is wasting time gearing-up
to oppose the nomination of Richard
Cordray as head
of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, even
though Mr. Cordray will probably be appointed during
congressional recess.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now has
its own web site. It will remain
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
Dump Fox News
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing
today? They finally cave on their "War
on lightbulbs",
though they don't know it.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.