Does Not Compute!
program that the Republicans have contrived over the
past 30 years to fill their coffers with corporate
checks actually works a treat for the GOP... for now.
As is becoming very apparent, legislation written by
and for the corporations is having a terribly deleterious
affect on the health of the middle class.
But that's just fine with Congressional conservative's because the long-range
goal of our corporate masters is to make American workers the new China. The
same Chinese who are fast becoming the world's new middle-class. After all, someone
will have to build microwave ovens for our Red brethren when their proletariat
becomes too bourgeois to bother.
No unions, no minimum wage, child labor, crumbling infrastructure, no social
safety net, schools only for those that can afford them... yes, it's the looming
American Dream that only a conservative can love.
And now our "Chart of the Day":

Click here for larger version
Someone compared
the number of lawsuits engaged in by both Microsoft
and Apple and found that Bill Gates' company is "more
evil" by a factor of ten.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless
focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10,
The following is #119 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of
the House in 2011. None, sad
yet to result in one, single
new job.
(119) 12-9-2011: The U.S. Postal Service is going to
cut 28,000
jobs because the Republican Party passed
a law in 2006 requiring the PO to fund 75 years of retiree
benefits in just ten years. Fuck you, GOP, and damn
you to Hell.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now has
its own web site. It will remain
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
Dump Fox News
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing
today? Fox is still pushing discredited Keystone
pipeline jobs claim.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.