God? Somebody Has To.
are fiercely anti-abortion
for no other reason than it self-cedes them ownership of
this quite emotional issue,
one they can reliably plow for votes every couple of years.
Their simplistic argument, which is nowhere to be found in
the Holy Bibble, is that God imbues each
little zygote
with an immutable soul immediately upon conception,
and the destruction of this bit of undifferentiated tissue,
the size of a period in this sentence, would be deemed sacrilegious
enough to get you shot in the face in your own church.
(This moment of mayhem
brought to you by the G.O.P., the makers of Fox News!)
According to way-too-popular myth, back when Adam and Eve
were the only two humans on Earth it was pretty easy for
God to
of each little soul. If my math is correct, He could even
take nine months off between each occurance of conception
to go
a little
Today, the human population is rapidly crossing the seven
billion-member Rubicon and
many of us are, as I write this, furiously swapping genetic
material, no doubt accompanied by scented candles and the
silken strains
of Barry White. To say the least, fertilization is occurring
at a frantic pace, leaving God in the position of
spitting out souls with all the rapidity and grace
of a Browning
Picture if you will God with each and every mature womb
on the planet in his heavenly crosshairs, just waiting for
tell-tale "Ding!" of viability so he can pop
another cap in the bullseye of another uterus. Thousands
of times a second.
Up until now you probably only thought Santa Claus was this
fast and efficient. (You do believe in Santa, right? RIGHT?)
You might as well if you fall for this "soul' con game.
Motherhood is a beautiful thing but this planet is long past
the time it can afford to feed every conceivable
mouth. Abortion is not birth control, it's life control.
I earlier related the tale of Beloved Girlfriend's
beloved Apple G5 Pro Tower biting the dust. The
local Apple Store told us that they didn't
stock its dead power supply any longer so good
luck with that and there's the door.
As there was urgent computer-type business
for BG to attend we opted for another used
so there
would be no software issues. (Her G5
uses Motorola processors and the new G5's use
Intel. Things could have gotten ugly.)
Once we had the new computer up and running
I hit the internet seeking replacement
supplies. I found a refurb
for $65 and received it in time for surgery
past weekend. I knew what I had to do next
and I was scared like a little bunny at the
Allow me to explain. Here's a picture of the
inside of BG's dead G5. Do you see the power

Of course you don't, because it's buried in
the freaking base of the computer, the red-highlighted
area, and I would have to yank the processors
to it. Processors
to be moved
and will sometimes commit hari-kiri just out
of pure stubbornness.
Fortunately, with the help of some handy online
how-to's, the disassembly went without a hitch.
I reassembled
and hit the on button....
I didn't even get the merest hint of the familiar Apple "bong".
Just utter, shame-filled silence.
After a moment or two of self-pity I pulled the processors
again and, lo and behold, a cable from the power supply looked
suspiciously like it was interfering with the proper placement
of the processor. So I lashed the cable securely into it's
dank little corner, fastened everything back down and hit
power switch.
Yes, the G5 lives. I am a GOD!
Not the kind of god, of course, which creates
civilizations purely for shits and giggles but at least the
kind of god that deserves lots of oral sex cookies and milk.
I'm just sayin'.
10, 2011: "We're going to have a relentless focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner.
So far the list of Republican accomplishments for 2011 is:
(1) Attempted curtailing of abortion rights.
(2) Attempted defunding of Planned Parenthood.
(3) Attempted defunding of NPR.
(4) Investigating Muslims.
(5) Declaring English as America's Official Language.
(6) Reaffirming "In God We Trust".
Nope. No jobs here.
Still waiting, John.
what lies is Fox News spewing lately? That Secretary of
State Hilary Clinton is avoiding Fox News Sunday even though
they "routinely have the highest ratings" among Sunday talk
shows. In fact, they're dead