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Little Ray of Sunshine
has a habit of trying to guess the future and
often coming up amusingly wrong. In the 1900s
futurists foretold of a populace gliding gracefully
about in man-powered zeppelins. The Bibble
promises Hell on Earth. It's pretty silly stuff.
I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but it's clear that the future
holds certain changes for our country and our planet. For one thing,
we're using raw materials at a ridiculous pace and we're soon going to
be completely out of elements like indium, hafnium gallium, zinc... and
copper. Gallium is more important than you think as it's the reason you
can read this message. Yes, gallium makes flat-screen monitors and TVs
possible. Our consumer-based economy is a trap and Best Buy is the cheese.
The American Hispanic population will be in the majority by 2050. They
may not all rely on Spanish as their primary language but it will be
increasingly important to all other Americans as time goes by.
American history books are already undergoing censorship and outright
propagandizing to mask, even applaud, the embarrassing mistakes of oligarchs.
As George Orwell said "He who controls the past controls the future."
The speed of extinction around the globe will inevitably increase as
the climate changes and mankind begins waging war over the last potable
water resources. Meanwhile, as the polar ice caps melt, low-lying geographic
locales will be inundated forever.
We could change this future for the better, maintain what equilibrium
the environment yet possesses, but it would require changing the basic
nature of humankind. Unfortunately, as a race we're too selfish and too
willing to waste a limited resource if it means an opportunity to gain
a little more power and status over the next guy. We're fucked and the
self-fucking will only continue to get worse.
In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to learn a little Spanish.
of bright shiny objects...
If you've ever been to an auction you know that if you bid $20 for a
$20 item, and no one outbids you, then you get to take it home for $20.
If you bid a billion dollars just to make sure no one else bids on it
then it's yours for a billion dollars
That's an auction. That's how it works.
On eBay, you can bid a billion dollars on a $20 item and it's yours for
whatever the previous high bid was plus fifty cents. That's why eBay
The last second sniping by the "billon-dollar-bidders" is insulting
and alienating to users of the site. You hear me eBay? Effective
immediately they should make high bidders pay the entire amount of their
bid. I'm not the first person to mention this and I hope I'm not the
A movie
called "Sucker Punch" arrived in theatres this weekend and
it made a lot of money, which is a shame because it exploits rape and
child abuse, all in a neat little PG-13 wrapper. You need to read this
review of the film before you even contemplate wasting a dime on
10, 2011: "We're going to have a relentless focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner.
So far the list of Republican accomplishments for 2011 is:
(1) Attempted curtailing of abortion rights.
(2) Attempted defunding of Planned Parenthood.
(3) Attempted defunding of NPR.
(4) Investigating Muslims.
(5) Declaring English as America's Official Language.
(6) Reaffirming "In God We Trust".
Nope. No jobs here.
Still waiting, John.
what lies is Fox News spewing lately? That Secretary of State Hilary
Clinton is avoiding Fox News Sunday even though they "routinely
have the highest ratings" among Sunday talk shows. In fact, they're dead

What's in Mike's
"El Manisero" by Esquivel
Today's amazing mystery comic is:
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Can't make sense of the news?
Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
The Class of 2111
Teacher: Class, your assignment is to memorize the relevant
remains of the periodic table. Don't strain yourself. (ten elements:
oxygen, silicon, aluminum,
calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, titanium, hydrogen.
Vertebrate biology
Student: Professor, humans and roaches are the only species left on
this planet. Why do you still have this job?
Teacher: Tenure.
Spanish on blackboard, diagrammed.
Professor: And so, with a cannon in each hand, Richard Koch single-handedly
defeated the Taliban and saved the health care industry.
Professor: Okay, who's ready for differential equations?
Geography: Can anyone point to the Appalachian Archipelago in the Gulf
of Nebraska?