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They Vote.
this chunk of a Facebook posting to your immediate
Click it. Read it.
It's a real conversation between two people concerning
the upcoming presidential election, and the reasons
one of them is voting for Romney will leave you weeping
for the sanity of this nation.
And in case you're wondering,
this person is SERIOUS.
Needless to say, I'm proud to be part of the reality-based
Anyone else enjoy watching Joe Biden
drink Paul Ryan's milkshakes last night? One after
the other? Until you thought Joe was gonna bust widen
open with fact-checking, liar-stomping goodness?
Whatever coffee Joe was drinking I'm sure Mr. Obama
is stocking up.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
don't have people who die because they can't get
insurance." - Mitt
Yes, he actually said
"Why I, a former GOP Senator, will vote for Barack
Yes, he actually will
do that.
"Mitt Romney leads us into
an age of stupidty."
Yes, the Village Voice wrote
Nine things that show Mitt Romney is morally
Like you ever doubted that.
Quote of The Day
"I miss Jim Lehrer." -
a tweet
by Karl Rove
Today's video: Hilarious! Woman
at last night's debate calls Mr. Obama a communist
but clearly doesn't know what it means.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 17: Coordinated
International Response to Financial Crisis
keep world economy out of recession in 2009 and
2010, helped secure from G-20 nations more than
$500 billion for the IMF to provide lines of credit
and other support to emerging market countries,
which kept them liquid and avoided crises with
their currencies.
now our Chart of the Day:
Candy bars by amount of chocolate.

Republican Job Creation Update
the past two years the Republican-led House had the chance to pass any
number of jobs bills to get this country back on its feet. Instead,
they did nothing, hoping that the lousy economy they were nurturing would
ruin Mr. Obama's chance at reelection. That's the Republican way.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
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Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Kid: Mr. Romney, how many licks does it take to get
to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
Romney: Energy Independence. No preexisting conditions.
Simpson-Bowles. 20% percent tax cut. Clean coal. Ponies
for everyone. Let me know when you hear something you
