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times a week I sit in front of this desk and try think
up ideas for a new Raging Pencils cartoon, and ever
since it became clear that Mitt Romney was to be the
Republican presidential
the first thing that ALWAYS comes to
mind is "How
can I best illustrate what a big, fat, duplicitous,
liar-hypocrite-douchebag Mitt Romney really is?"
Thankfully, most people already understand this about
Mitt, without my help, which is why his likability
rating is below 50%. Way below. Yet
still have
him seemingly running neck-and-neck with the president.
Simple. All you have to do is ask the right questions
of the right people and even your Uncle Murray, the
guy who cops feels on the subway, could hit the sweet
Unfortunately for us it's in the media's interest
to play along with
polling, to make the race look tighter than
it really is... so they can continue to make vast
sums of money on political advertising. If they were
to really tell you that Mitt doesn't stand a chance
all the contributions would dry up and the media would
be back to hawking pimple cream and potato peelers
But vote, anyway. It's important. There are a lot
of congressman riding the president's coattails and
it would nice to have a bullet-proof Congress, just
to see if this thing we call a government actually
still works.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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Today's Google
Me: Hmm, gettin' late. Need to think about something
to eat.
Me again: Let's see... do I want Tacobama or McRomney's?
Me one more time: Yeah. Reeeeeeally want this election
to be over.
