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White, Superman, and Pinocchio were walking down the
road when they came upon a sign that said "World's
Most Beautiful Woman Contest".
Snow White goes inside and returns a little while later
with a
tiara and a first-place trophy.
The three walk on until they came upon a sign that
said "World's Strongest Man Contest".
Superman goes inside and returns a little while later
with a crown and a first-place trophy.
They continue their travels and eventually come upon
a sign that said "World's Biggest Liar Contest".
Pinocchio tips his hat and confidently struts through
the door. After some time he returns and he's devastated,
he's crying like
never stop.
Superman grabs his shoulders in each hand asks what
happened. Pinocchio looks up at him, tears in his eyes
and says:
"Who the fuck is Mitt Romney?"

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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During the first presidential debate, while Mitt Romney's
attention was otherwise diverted, the last sincere
bone in his body made a break for it..
