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the second presidential debate Mitt Romney differentiated
himself from George Bush by stating that he'd make
America energy independent, that he would seek trade
agreements with the countries of South America, and
that he would balance
the budget.
Unfortunately, George Bush promised all those things,
If elected president Mr. Romney, like Bush, will explode
the deficit. There'll be tax cuts a-plenty
for the wealthy and fuck-all for the environment. He'll
probably go to war with Iran because the End-Timers
who run
desire it. And when the world tumbles into the chaos
that would inevitably result from such a conflict his
rich buddies will be free to steal again, unencumbered
by a press suddenly too busy reportin' all that
Just like
when George was president.
So you can understand why the nation's oligarch's are
sitting home viewing and re-viewing Dubya's Greatest
Economic Hits with one hand down their pants. It's
been four years and they need a new pair of boobs
in the White House to satiate their gnawing hunger
for more.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt
is simply breathtaking.
group the Romney's invested in threatened to blackmail
GM into liquidation unless the company forked over
$12 billion dollars, of which the Romney's made over
$100 million
Essentially, when Romney said in 2009 that Detoit
should be allowed to go bankrupt, he was just begging
for an opportunity to steal.
Remember the story of Paul Ryan barging his way into
a soup kitchen so he could pretend to wash dishes?
Now it seems that the owner of the charity is losing
conservative donors and receiving
death threats.
Another stellar example of compassionate conservatism.
Ann Romney appeared on The View and claimed that
if Mitt didn't win this election then she was through
with politics.
She said the same thing
in 2008.
In case you weren't counting, Mitt
told 31 lies during
the second presidential debate. Good old Mitt.
A video has been leaked featuring
Mr. Romney telling business owners to make it clear
to their employees who specifically to vote for this
November, or
their jobs are in trouble. How nice.
Quote of The Day
“This is not complicated for me. If
somebody saved my economy, I’d vote for him.” - Bill Clinton
Today's video: In 1994 Ted Kennedy
ran against Mr. Romney and put out a ad chastising
him for his male-centric staffing habits. To be clear,
the percentage of senior-level positions for women
declined in Massachusetts when Romney was governor.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 17: Coordinated
International Response to Financial Crisis
keep world economy out of recession in 2009 and
2010, helped secure from G-20 nations more than
$500 billion for the IMF to provide lines of credit
and other support to emerging market countries,
which kept them liquid and avoided crises with
their currencies.
now our Chart of the Day:
Net worth of Americans by percentile.

Much larger version here.
Republican Job Creation Update
the past two years the Republican-led House had the chance to pass any
number of jobs bills to get this country back on its feet. Instead,
they did nothing, hoping that the lousy economy they were nurturing would
ruin Mr. Obama's chance at reelection. That's the Republican way.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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Today's Google
Movie theatre marquee: Mitt Romney in Bush 2
Customer: "Excuse me, is this a comedy or a tragedy?"
Ticket-seller: "It's Republican porn."
