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1981 Mitt Romney's opinion of women was that they should
die rather than abort a fetus that was the size of
a lima bean. (Here's
a more detailed version of the Carrel Sheldon story.)
But when Mr. Romney ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994
and Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 he was suddenly
Since 2008 he's been staunchly pro-life
again and in the Republican primaries he even pledged
to sign a bill restricting all abortion.
Now he's saying "There’s no legislation
with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with
that would become part of my agenda."
I realize that there are those who do
not like President Obama's stand on abortion, but at
has one.
I live, right here in Dallas, Texas, we dispose of
our bulky debris by putting it out on the curb,
whereupon The City hauls it away gratis near the first
of every month. So when I'm out on my frequent walks
I'm visited by the
most amazing piles of jetsam accumulating in
my path leading right up
to Junk Day. Usually it's tree limbs or construction
debris or complete garbage, but last week I passed
by a dryer of recent vintage. A newish, gleaming white
Kenmore Elite.
I asked the owners if they were indeed tossing it
out and they said, yeah, it had quit working so they'd
bought a new one.
So I took it home with me, with their blessing.
$13 in parts later (a blown fuse) and it was working
beautifully, even better than the dryer I own, but
I had long since decided to give this to a friend of
who needed a new one
badly. Her old dryer was a creaky, avocado green
Lady Kenmore that
must be at least 40 years old. She complained often
about it "burning the clothes" but as long
as it worked it was one less thing to strain her self-employed
budget. But she's now happy as a little clam and soon
lucky Craigslister will be the new owner of The Little
Green Giant.
I can understand why less technically-inclined people
would dispose of perfectly good items like this, especially
$100 just to come look at it, but in this Age of Google,
and all the easy self-help info it provides, even dopes
like me can play the hero.
I'm delighted to say that I found a nice little Honduran
restaurant in my area this past weekend,
de Hondurena. It may have once been an old Dairy
Queen and you eat with plastic cutlery on styrofoam
trays but the food is delicious and, most important,
not fucking Taco Bell, or any of the zillion chain
Mexican places that blight every strip mall.
I had bean and cheese papusas served with fried black
beans and a zesty slaw. Beloved Girlfriend had a fried
breast nestled in a bed of the same slaw balanced on
top of a mountain of banana chips. Fun food! We
washed everything down with huge bottles of banana
soda which,
we happily
noted, were sweetened with sugar, not high fructose
devil drool. We'll be back but next time we're taking
our own forks and knives.
Speaking of blights, while doing a little research
on the restaurant I discovered that on the very day
we ate there a national chain called "Mi Cocina"
filed suit on this little hole-in-the-wall for
copyright infringement. "Cocina" means "kitchen", so
this would be like Toys 'R' Us suing for copyright
over the word "toys". Good grief.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt
plan for more Navy ships is unrealistic. - The New
York Times.
Ryan shirtless" is reportedly Googled 9 times
more often that "Paul Ryan budget".
Salt Lake Tribune, the largest
paper in Utah, home of the Fightin' Mormons, picks
Mr. Obama as
their candidate, calling Mr. Romney a "shape-shifter".
Behold the awesome majesty
of the Romney
Should we consider a presidential candidate who has
his own secret
bank, one with ties to drug cartels?
Seems like a bad idea to me.
Ruh-roh! Old
white guys that voted for McCain in
2008 are switching to Obama in 2012. One of them
is worried that if Romney is elected he will put "Cheney
and Rumsfeld back in there to run the show." Good
call, old white guy.
Quote of The Day
“Mitt showed a masterful command of women's issues at the last debate by
explaining how he helped them be home in time to make dinner. ” - LolGOP
Today's video: Behind the Veil:
Never before seen footage of secret Mormon temple
rituals. Holy heck!
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 18: Passed Mini
help families hurt by the recession and spur the
economy as stimulus spending declined, signed series
of measures (July 22, 2010; December 17, 2010;
December 23, 2011) to extend unemployment insurance
and cut payroll taxes.
now our Chart of the Day:
Growth Since 1999 (Yes, the U.S. rate
of growth is back to normal now that Bush
is gone.)

Much larger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
the past two years the Republican-led House had the chance to pass any
number of jobs bills to get this country back on its feet. Instead,
they did nothing, hoping that the lousy economy they were nurturing would
ruin Mr. Obama's chance at reelection. That's the Republican way.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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Today's Google
My name is Carrel Hilton Sheldon.
In 1981 I was 8 weeks pregnant with my fifth child.
Due to medical complications that could have ended
my life my doctor advised me to terminate the pregnancy.
While in the hospital I was visited by my Mormon bishop,
Mitt Romney, who made it clear the life of that fetus
was more important than my own. Instead of sympathy
or support I got judgement, criticism, and rejection.
IN the end I decided to go through with the termination
and lived to see my children grow.
And, Yes, I am no longer a Mormon.
