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The Numbers
a new polling service this election cycle... Gravis.
It has an intentionally conservative bias
so its only real purpose is to skew the average of
all polls to the right in such a manner that they're
swamped by leftist/centrist reality. Rasmussen does
the same
thing. So when Fox News points to Romney being ahead
in polls, that's two of their sources.
Does anyone remember the 2008 election? We the public
were told right up until the day of the election that
between Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama was very, very
tight. But in the end it wasn't even close. It was
in blowout, mercy-killing, I-can-see-the-margin-of-victory-from-my-house
This year the Romney family has their fingers
in the pie of the
very company that makes the (known hackable) voting
in Ohio so no telling
what's going to happen there (Spoiler alert: Obama
takes OH) but it's pretty clear that Virginia and Pennsylvania
the Democratic
bag, which means a second term for Mr. Obama.
Now all you have to do is get out there and vote. And
vote often.
And in case you haven't heard:
By the time Election Day rolls around, both President
Obama and Mitt Romney will have raised more than $1
billion—making this presidential race the costliest
in history.
Through September, some 55% of Obama's campaign cash
consists of donations smaller than $200, while only
13% of his donations were of the maximum $2,500.
For Romney, 45% of donations were at the $2,500 mark,
compared to 22% that were less than $200.
Don't act surprised.
a personal note: I had my first failure with my reclaimed
breadmaking machine. The last loaf didn't
rise as it ought and I ended up with a hard, doughy
lump. The culprit seems to be my overly enthusiastic
application of salt. Next time I'll be a
bit more anal with the recipe.
It's an oddly melancholy event when a loaf of bread
fails, sort of like when a goldfish dies, only I'm
not flushing this thing down the loo.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt
are your tax returns, Mitt?
Here's another charming anecdote about Mr.
Romney's time as the Governor of Massachusetts. It
seems he routinely took it upon himself to interfere
with the approval of birth certificates for the
children of legally-wed gay parents. What a sweetheart.
So when, just last month he said "My view is this,
that individuals should be able to pursue a relationship
of love and respect, and raise a family as they would
choose." he wasn't being a huge, lying dick at all.
So it seems that Romney lied
in divorce court about
the value of Staple's stock in order to screw over
a friend's wife.
Sounds bad but, oh, it's much worse than that.
Today Mr. Romney refused to answers
questions from the press regarding
Richard Mourdock. But that's not surprising as
apparently Mitt
isn't going to give any more interviews,
possibly even answer routine questions, through Election
right wing has lost the election of 2012. The
evidence for this is overwhelming, yet it is the
year’s best-kept secret. Mitt Romney would
not be throwing virtually all of his past positions
overboard if he thought the nation were ready to
endorse the full-throated conservatism he embraced
to win the Republican nomination." - E. J. Dionne,
Washington Post
Quote of The Day
"Sadly, Mitt Romney does have a nickel for every lie he's
told." --- a tweet by LOLGOP
Today's video: Retired NSA analyst
proves that the GOP is stealing votes.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 2: Passed the
$787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest
recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after
stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims
began to subside. Twelve months later, the private
sector began producing more jobs than it was losing,
and it has continued to do so for twenty-three
straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7
million new private-sector jobs.
now our Chart of the Day:
The World Prefers Obama, Too.

Much larger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
the past two years the Republican-led House had the chance to pass any
number of jobs bills to get this country back on its feet. Instead,
they did nothing, hoping that the lousy economy they were nurturing would
ruin Mr. Obama's chance at reelection. That's the Republican way.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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Today's Google
Anchorman: Why do we even bother reporting on the race
for president? The challenger clearly doesn’t
have a chance to win.
Floor manager: True, but the moment we come clean our
political advertising will dry up and you'll both out
of a job.
Anchorman: According to our exclusive polls the candidates
are neck-and-neck! We'll be right back after another
attack ad from the Koch Brothers.
