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and Perishable
a doubt there are more registered Democrats in this
country than registered Republicans. If all the Democrats
had voted in the past three presidential elections
there would have been no Iraq, no Bush Tax cuts, and
There would have been no housing bubble, no Wall Street
crisis, and no world wide depression. By now
the national debt could have been paid down, which
means your taxes would have dropped by over 25% since
we would no longer have to pay interest on those many
trillions of dollars.
That's why Republican-led state legislatures are so
hell-bent on enacting new voting restrictions this
election cycle,
because running
against gays and abortion only gets them so far. In
my home state, only 38%
voters manage to vote, and that's even with the Justice
Department breathing down the state government's neck.
Even the UN sends poll watchers to Texas so its low
must be the result of something more than just indifference.
You want to know how to fix this problem? Mail-in ballots.
Both Washington
State and Oregon do it that way and
they get 70% of registered voters involved, and they
manage to do it with almost zero fraud. It's also cheaper
to drop your ballot in the mail than to take time off
and drive to the polling stations.
If your state doesn't offer mail-in voting then ask
them why not. And ask now.
you're looking for some safe Halloween fun for the kids,
send them over to play Cat
Bowling at my Infinite
Cat Project web site.
It's funzes.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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Today's Google
Just in time for Halloween! A wild assortment of Romney
Fiscal conservative Mitt, Spendthrift Mitt, peacenik
Mitt, warhawk Mitt, pro-choice Mitt, pro-life Mitt,
NRA Mitt, gun-control Mitt, job creator Mitt, business
destroyer Mitt, save Detroit Mitt, screw Detroit Mitt,
environmental Mitt, screw the whales Mitt, pro-minimum
wage Mitt, anti-minimum wage Mitt, pro stem cell Mitt,
anti stem cell Mitt, catch bin Laden Mitt, Forget bin
Laden Mitt, pro-stimulus Mitt, anti-stimulus Mitt,
pro-TARP Mitt, anti-TARP mitt, screw the 99% Mitt,
screw the 99% Mitt.
