Long and Long-winded Rhodes
weekday afternoon at 2PM I listen to the live stream
of Randi
Rhodes political talk show. You should, too,
as the woman really knows her stuff, and she's a hoot,
besides! On today's show she told a delightful tale
regarding her
ala Florida, where she currently resides.
To preface this story you ought to know that the Florida
state Legislature placed eleven Constitutional Amendments
on the ballot this year, and
for this one election the description
of the amendments weren't limited to 73 words. Oh,
no. In fact, they
often include the full text so we're talking about
and pages
PAGES of teeny-tiny-itsy-bitsy type. And
each page has to be individually fed into the scanner
So what does this all mean? Yes, long lines, obviously
meant to lower the eventual vote count, which benefits
Republican candidates.
Ms. Rhodes informed us it took her two full hours to
vote, on a Tuesday afternoon when most folks are at
work. Imagine what it's going to be like on election
The point of this tale is that while waiting in line
she couldn't help but notice obvious Romney voters
arriving, looking at the long line, and then leaving,
flustered, because, she mused, there wasn't a special
short line just for their entitled selves, thus leaving
to the Obama voters.
This is what you call
enthusiasm gap.
If more Romney voters feel their boy isn't
worth a two-hour wait, or conceivably longer, then
the election is
to over
by about 3PM on November 6th.
If this comic puzzles anyone, and
I'm astonished that it might, just read the Plum Line's
story of Calling
RomneyŤs lie what it is: A lie.
you're looking for some safe Halloween fun for the kids,
send them over to play Cat
Bowling at my Infinite
Cat Project web site.
It's funzes.
