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of a Big, Fat Deal
Jersey Governor Christ Christie's recent buddy-buddy
act with the President is as clear an indication
that Mr. Obama will be returning for a second term
as you'll find. If the Governor really thought Mitt
Romney had a chance of being elected he would
not be heaping such
effusive praise as he has
on our current Commander in Chief. Mr. Christie has
clearly indicated in the past that he does not like
this president, so what we're seeing is simply the
public face of a private agreement between
two for the benefit of their own
interests. New Jersey gets some preferential federal
treatment in the months to come and Mr. Obama, with
the benefit of a prominent Republican's enthusiastic
approval, breathes
a little
through Election Day.
Christie's ulterior motive, by appearing rational
and statesmen like, is
to fire his first national shot at a White
House bid in 2016.
on, you bloated, entitled douchebag.
If you still haven't come to the
same presidential decision as Colin Powell, The Economist
Magazine, and
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, allow me to offer
this deftly persuasive little article - "The
Case for Obama: Why He Is a Great President. Yes, Great."
Now go vote!

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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Today's Google
Ann Romney: Ooh, look, Mitt! It says here that the
part of the fat lady will be played by Chris Christie.
Isn't he a friend of yours?"
Mitt Romney: Ahhh, shaddap.
New Jersey Metropolitan Opera